Saturday, October 21, 2017

Papal Notes - Francis the Green Marxist

This is scary stuff for the Little Horn power to be sticking it's nose seems this particular current head of the Little Horn power has gone full board GREEN MARXIST. Absolute Control of nearly every aspect of our lives ("energy, labor policies, the banking system, taxes, social welfare programs and education") he wants under Green Government control. He seems to forget the maxim proven true by the pages of history- as government expands, liberty contracts....but then why would a Jesuit, known for so-called liberation theology (Jesuit speak for Cathlo-Marxism) care about free markets?....all this hysteria of his is rooted in & fostered by the myth of the Green Religion nonsense.
Enough already Francis!.....
His use of such phraseology as "workers and the planet" and "the common good and respect for nature" could be termed Green Bolshevism. This dude is getting really scary as Pope...

"Greater inequality and a more rapid destruction of the environment “are not destiny nor even a historic constancy,” the pope told members of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Francis addressed academy members Oct. 20 during a three-day meeting devoted to the study of “changing relations among market, state and civil society.”
The process is not automatic, the pope said. It depends on individual actions and also on the economic regulations that states impose.
Individuals and governments make all sorts of interventions in the economy through choices about energy,
labor policies,
the banking system,
social welfare programs
and education, he said.
Depending on how these sectors are programmed, there are different consequences in the way
income and wealth are distributed among those who helped produce them.”
The development of clean energy to resolve the challenge of climate change” is one area where both workers and the planet would benefit, the pope said.
Political action must be placed truly at the service of the human person, the common good and respect for nature,” he said. “Basically, we must aim at civilizing the market, working for an ethic that is friendly toward the person and his environment.” CRUX

And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, .. whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20