Saturday, October 14, 2017

IN the NEWS - Ring Around The Rosary

And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images,..
Leviticus 26:30

"Close to one million people in Poland gathered into a human chain around the nation’s borders on Saturday to pray the Rosaryto save Poland and the world.”

Churchpop is reporting on the daylong event which took place in Poland on October 7, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the anniversary of the miraculous victory of the Christian navy over invading Muslim forces at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.

Hundreds of thousands of Poles from parishes throughout the country gathered along the nation’s 2,000 mile border at 2:00 p.m. to pray the Rosary for peace and for “Europe to remain Europe.”

Although official numbers are not yet available, an estimated one million people took part in the initiative which was organized by a lay organization known as the Solo Dios Basta Foundation, which means God Alone Suffices.

The nation’s clergy were also fully supportive of the measure.

Those who could not physically attend the event were invited to pray from their homes. Because an estimated 90 percent of Poland’s 38 million people are Catholic, it is estimated that millions more were participating in the event from a distance.

Through this unprecedented prayer of the Rosary,” the event’s website explains, “we want to show the faithfulness and obedience of Mary, who tirelessly calls us to recite the Rosary. We also want to apologize and pay for all blasphemy and insults against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We wish to implore for the intercession of the Mother of God to save Poland and the world.”