Sunday, October 15, 2017

IN the NEWS - KneeJerk Reaction (Pun Intended)

And be not conformed to this world:
Romans 12:2
WHY does Chrsitendom seem to be marching to the drumbeat of the world?
* If the world decides to push the Green Religion--Christians decide to go "green", even if they cloak it under another name such as "Creation care".
* If the world decides to openly embrace the LGBT movement--some Christians decide to also, or cloak it under nonsensical "symposiums" or "conferences" on the topic---the topic of all immorality, including that of the LGBT, has been settled in Scripture millennia ago. No need for "dialogue".
* If the world decides to engage in cultural Marxism thereby fanning the flames of racism, by picking at the scabs of the past, keeping us divided by race (the kneeling frenzy of the NFL) we now have so-called Christians who mimic the nonsense.....
Hey, what about Christians mimic Christ INSTEAD... "Elevate the cross of Christ. Elevate the Mediator. Lift up Jesus. Contemplate God in Christ."
Signs Of The Times 12/1889 E.G.W.

"They billed the event as a “Holy Spirit Woodstock"....charismatics flocking to the National Mall to
take part in the ecstatic mind-altering worship experiences led by New Apostolic Reformation gurus like Lou Engle.....Well, it turns out that the shofar-blowing, charismatics did accomplish something, after all. They  fell into the politically correct posturing of “taking a knee” for racial disharmony.
Ironically, the kneeling festival was called Rise Up.
Led by NAR Apostle, Cindy Jacobs, the crowd took a knee as she apologized to the black community…

“I talk to so many African-American mothers and grandmothers who say, ‘I am afraid to send my baby out.’ I am so sorry that you are afraid that if your sons drive a car, they are going to be shot. I am so sorry." Pulpit&Pen