Monday, October 30, 2017

For Halloween: Hollywood means?...

"Hollywood was named after the Holly Wood, the tree that magic wands are made from.

Pliny tells us that the Holly Tree, if thrown at any animal, even without touching it, had the property of compelling the animal to return and lie down by it. What a magical wood!

Holly Wood was used by the Druids in fabrication of their Magic wands...

Harry's Potter wand, was made from the holly wood.

Everyone loves Mickey Mouse who always uses his magical wand.

We are all under the influence of the Holy Wood - magical wand.

Entertainment is designed in such a way to direct your minds to serve the masters of this world, Hollywood is their tool." LondonForum
P.S.-some say Hollywood comes from the name of local property already named Hollywood Land.. maybe.....but the fact what the name actually means and was used for, is a fitting name. Likely not a coincidence.

"The magi of the ancient world were the priesthood of the Zoroastrian religion. As Plato noted, magic (mageia) refers to "the Magian lore of Zoroaster" ( Alchibiades 1.122). In Zoroastrianism we also
find the mace used. It is used as a spiritual weapon to drive off evil.
Like the Zoroastrian magi, the ancient Roman Flamines or fire-priests, also carried such bundles of twigs in their hands.
Iamblichus (c. A.D. 250-325), one of the more important Neoplatonic philosophers, discussed magic in general in his On the Mysteries. In it he mentions the prophetess holding a staff or wand, invoking the divinity. (Mysteries of the Egyptians, chapter 7.) 

Holly...Holly is the whitest of all woods,.... It was considered sacred by the druids, and played a part in the magic of the Greeks and Romans. It was especially suitable for divination. In early Europe, holly and other thorny plants were believed to repel all evil spirits. The same apotropaic properties were noted by Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.)."
Archives of Western Esoterica
 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made:
Psalm 9:15