Saturday, October 21, 2017

Creation Moment 10/22/2017 - Deep Space Gadgets of the CREATOR

In the Below news report is another example of the Creator's Gadgets, in this case is Deep Space. Who knows what purpose events like these serve...but the Creator knows. Stars bursting out elements, shaking deep space literally, and in a synergistic manner. Interesting....and all the while our little speck of a planet (with a biosphere of plants, animals & humans along with a recycling system of the air via foliage & a sprinkler system of fresh water poured down from above) is protected from all this activity.

"Two ultradense cores of dead stars have produced a long-awaited cosmic collision, showering scientists with riches.

The event was the first direct sighting of a smashup of neutron stars, which are formed when aging stars explode and leave behind a neutron-rich remnant. In the wake of the collision, the churning residue forged gold, silver, platinum and a smattering of other heavy elements such as uranium, researchers reported October 16.

It really is the last missing piece” of the periodic table, says Anna Frebel, an astronomer at MIT who was not involved in the research. “This is heaven for anyone working in the field.” After the collision, about 10 times the Earth’s mass in gold was spewed out into space, some scientists calculated.

A sequence of various types of electromagnetic radiation followed that gravitational trill, like musical instruments taking turns in a symphony. A burst of gamma rays segued into a glow of visible and infrared light, first spotted about 12 hours after the smashup. More than a week later, as those wavelengths faded away, X-rays crescendoed, followed by radio waves.

The picture that you can put together by having all of those sources is synergistic,” says LIGO spokesperson David Shoemaker of MIT.

For astrophysicists, “this event is the Rosetta stone,” says LIGO member Richard O’Shaughnessy of the Rochester Institute.

LIGO’s two detectors, located in the United States, registered an unmistakable sign of the upheaval: A shimmying of space itself that continued for about 100 seconds
before cutting off. It was the strongest and longest series of spacetime ripples LIGO had ever seen.

That vibration was an indication of a cosmic crash: Whirling round each other as if on an ill-fated merry-go-round, two orbiting neutron stars spiraled closer and closer, until they converged. The neutron stars, whose masses were  between 1.17 and 1.60 times that of the sun, probably collapsed into a black hole, although LIGO scientists were unable to determine the stars' fate for certain.

LIGO’s sister experiment in Italy, Advanced Virgo, saw only a faint signal. That relatively weak detection helped narrow down where the convulsion occurred to “a part of the sky that was a blind spot of Virgo,” Kalogera says.

With the stars’ death came the birth of elements. As the collision spurted neutron-rich material into space, a bevy of heavy elements formed, through a chain of reactions called the r-process."
......he made the stars also. Genesis 1:16