Saturday, October 7, 2017

Chiasm of Rahab & 2 Spies

And the woman took the two men, and hid them,
 and said thus,
There came men unto me,
but I wist not whence they were:
Joshua 2:4
Joshua 2:1-24
Joshua sent the two spies   
The spies fled from enemies   
      C(2:8-13)      Words of Rahab
        D(2:14)        Words of the spies
          E(2:15-16)          Rahab assisted the spies' escape
        D'(2:17-20)        Words of the spies
      C'(2:21)      Words of Rahab
The spies fled from enemies   
Joshua got reports from the two spies   

A: Joshua.
B: The spies fled from enemies.
C: Words of Rahab.
D: Words of the spies.
E: Rahab assisted the spies' escape.