Sunday, October 8, 2017

73rd Psalm Breakdown Series: 22

So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.
Psalm 73:22

"Verse 22. So foolish was I. He, though a saint of God, had acted as if he had been one of the fools whom God abborreth. Had he not even envied them?—and what is that but to aspire to be like them? The wisest of men have enough folly in them to ruin them unless
grace prevents.

I was as a beast before thee. Even in God's presence he had been brutish, and worse than a beast. As the grass eating ox has but this present life, and can only estimate things thereby, and by the sensual pleasure which they afford, even so had the psalmist judged happiness by this mortal life, by outward appearances, and by fleshly enjoyments.... We see how bitterly good men bewail mental wanderings; they make no excuses for themselves, but set their sins in the pillory, and cast the vilest reproaches upon them. O for grace to detest the very appearance of evil!"
Charles Spurgeon