Saturday, October 7, 2017

73rd Psalm Breakdown Series: 21

Thus my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my reins.
Psalm 73:21

"Verse 21. The holy poet here reviews his inward struggle and awards himself censure for his folly.
His pain had been intense; he says, Thus my heart was grieved. It was a deep seated sorrow, and one which penetrated his inmost being. Alexander reads it, "My heart is soured." His spirit had
become embittered; .... He had become atrabilious, full of black bile, melancholy, and choleric; he had poisoned his own life at the fountain head, and made all its streams to be bitter as gall.

And I was pricked in my reins. He was as full of pain as a man afflicted with renal disease; he had pierced himself through with many sorrows; .... O miserable philosophy, which stretches the mind on the rack, and breaks it on the wheel! O blessed faith, which drives away the inquisitors, and sets the captives free!"
Charles Spurgeon