Friday, September 29, 2017

SDA News - Master Guides Rescue

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:
Matthew 25:21

"Hurricane Maria hit the east coast of the Dominican Republic on Sep. 21, a handful of Master Guides from two Adventist churches in Hato Mayor were busy rescuing dozens of people, including children and the elderly.

We lived through a terrible experience,” said Luis Ismael Berroa, a Master Guide from the El Renacer Seventh-day Adventist Church in Hato Mayor. More than 100 people had already taken refuge at the church, but as waters began to fill the building, they had to climb walls and fences to get to safety.
Together with his cousin Sicleidi Nolasco and fellow Master Guides, Berroa helped transport families through the rising waters. “The water was up to our chest, and the current started to pull us,” he said.
We held hands and headed through the streets away from the strong currents,” said Berroa. “We saw many people about to drown, but we locked arms with them and pulled them to safety.”
Safety was found at El Amor Adventist Church about 200 hundred meters (approx. 218 yards) away. The church was already providing shelter to more than 300.
God really saved us and used us to help others,” said Berroa. Another group of Master Guides from El Amor Adventist Church also rescued dozens of people.
These young people are real heroes,” said president of the church in the East Dominican Conference Silvestre González, who visited the Hato Mayor on Saturday. “They were the only ones to come to the rescue of the community during that time of crisis.”
The fire department and military service personnel were not able to get to the town in time, said Berroa.
Approximately 60 people were rescued by these Master Guides and church members, according to González." ANN