Sunday, September 17, 2017

SDA Issues - "Superbug" creeps into Church

“Be not deceived; many will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. We have now before us the alpha of this danger.  The omega will be of a most startling nature (Selected Messages bk.1, p. 197 1904).

"Convergence is a post-emergent integral-spirituality group.  Well what is that?? 
It is a next-generation emerging church movement founded by several of the guiding thinkers (Brian
McLaren, Eric Elnes, Diana Butler Bass, Phyllis Tickle, and Richard Foster) of the Emergent & Spiritualist Movements---all organized under the rubric of Social Justice.  Put simply, the bedfellows of liberalism, mysticism, and Social Justice have now combined into a spiritual superbug.  Convergence has numerous churches around the U.S.---including now---Walla Walla University SDA Church.  

So what are some of the main aspects of Convergence?  According to one of the leading articulators of Convergence Christianity---founder Eric Elnes---here are some of their main tenets:

(1) They are letting go of the notion that their particular faith is the only legitimate one on the planet.  They are embracing an understanding that God is greater than our imagination can comprehend (or fence in), and thus they are open to the possibility that God may speak within and across all faith traditions.  In other words, all religions are of equal merit and value.
 But, there is no other way unto the Father except through the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
(2) They are letting go of literal and inerrant interpretations of the Bible while celebrating the unique treasures that their texts contain.  They are embracing a more ancient, prayerful, non-literal approach to these same texts, and finding new insights and resources as they do so.  This means that we must surrender our confidence in the Bible as the inerrant guide to truth, replacing it with mystical prayer practices in order to find personal enlightenment.
(3) They are letting go of the notion that people of faith are called to have dominion over nature.  They are embracing a more organic and reverent understanding of human relationship with the earth.  This is radical environmentalism, bereft of the biblical mandate to "have dominion over the earth and subdue it." 
(4) They are letting go of "empty worship conventions" and an overemphasis on doctrines as tools of division and exclusion.  They are embracing more diverse, creative, engaging approaches, often making strong use of the arts.  This is theological liberalism on steroids, friend.
(5) They are letting go of a "narrow definition of sexual orientation and gender identity."  They are embracing with increasing confidence an understanding that affirms the dignity and worth of all people.  They advocate for the rights of women and LGBTQ people.  In other words they have found a way to fulfill Isaiah 5:20, and still look somewhat pious in the process.
(6) They are letting go of the desire to impose their particular vision of faith on wider society. They are embracing the notion that their purpose is to make themselves more faithful adherents of their vision of faith.  This means that an all-encompassing vision of sharing the Three Angels Messages with the world is now untenable.  To impose one's religion on others is immoral, because all religions are of the same equal value.

(7) They are letting go of notions of the afterlife that are dominated by judgment of “unbelievers.”  They are embracing an understanding that, as God’s creations, God is eternally faithful to us, and that all people are loved far more than we can comprehend.  This means that the biblical teachings of an Investigative Judgment are untenable; the concept of a Great Eschatological Judgment by the righteous Son of God "Who judges all things" must also be jettisoned.  'Love' is herein made the enemy of truth.  Oh.... this is the foundation stone of Universalism, too.
(8) They are letting go of the notion that faith and science are incompatible. They are embracing the notion that faith and science can serve as allies in the pursuit of truth, and that God values our minds as well as our hearts.  The idea that faith and science are incompatible is generally something that evolutionists prattle on about.  Christians rarely do. 

Some of us are worried that we might lose several of our institutions over female ordination.  Through Social Justice and Spiritualism we have already lost them!  They're toast.  And if they must be retained with the aforementioned eight articles of deceit, we don't want them back.  We must not dishonor our Lord in these ways.

I hope you are seeing now why so many of our academic centers are pushing so hard for
Women's Ordination,
downplaying doctrine,
accepting evolutionary duplicity,
resenting any notion of a Remnant,
idolizing multiculturalism,
advocating for LGBTQ as an acceptable alternative to biblical marriage,
replacing the Everlasting Gospel with temporal Social Justice,
and substituting "Spiritual experience" as the universal ointment that heals all distinctions."

For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.
2 Timothy 4:3 NLT