Saturday, September 9, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Tomorrow the Big Day?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be this FALSE PROPHET "Steve Fletcher" -wrong 51 times so far- running around on the STREETS OF BABYLON...
"Charismatic Prophet Predicts Jesus Will Return September 9.
Prophet Steve Fletcher prophesied that Jesus would return on November 17, 2016. That was his 51st
rapture-related false prophecy.
That’s right. Now he’s on number 52. But this time, he’s for sure. After all, Jupiter is in Virgo’s birth canal.
Now, one might ask why someone with so many false prophecies is continuing to prophesy. But let’s be honest – that’s not the type of person who would listen to modern prophecy in the first place. That’s the type of person who watches TBN, who is probably immune to any and all forms of basic logic or biblical discernment.
Fletcher writes, “I will give a complete concession speech, renouncing everything. Everything hangs on this final fulfillment, otherwise there is no authority to know what was true and what was false. As far as I am concerned, if it doesn’t come then everything I have shared is meaningless and can be trashed, I was a false prophet and teacher. I said it.”
Nonetheless, Fletcher now claims the world will end (or the end will begin) with the return of Christ on Saturday." Pulpit&Pen