Sunday, September 10, 2017

Morality Debate 101

"If God does not exist,
*you cannot be good.
*You cannot be evil.
There is no Moral Law if there is no Moral Lawgiver.

If there is no God, there are merely opinions and consequences of acting on opinions. We may label certain opinions “good,” but that’s just our opinion. What we really mean by calling something “good” is that we like it. 
 If there is no God, all of our “moral” decisions are just opinions — perhaps opinions we like, or opinions we don’t like — but neither good nor bad.
If God does exist, but you don’t believe in Him, then of course you can be “good without God”, in the sense that you can be good without believing in God.

It is central to the moral theology of all the great faiths that non-believers may act in accordance with Moral Law without belief in God and even without knowing Moral Law in any formal sense. The Moral Law is written in our hearts, theists universally agree, and we feel the weight of morality whether we believe in God or not." EN&V
And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5