Friday, September 1, 2017

Mirror of the Scriptures

They are they which testify of Me.
John 5:39
"JESUS Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the Bible.

He is the constant theme of its sacred pages;
from first to last they testify of Him.

At the creation we at once discern Him as one of the sacred Trinity;
   we catch a glimpse of Him in the promise of the woman's seed;
       we see Him typified in the ark of Noah;
            and in the numerous types of the law, we find the Redeemer abundantly foreshadowed.

Prophets and kings, priests and preachers, all look one way—they
all stand as the cherubs did over the ark, desiring to look within, and to read the mystery of God's great propitiation.
Still more manifestly in the New Testament we find our Lord the one pervading subject.

We should always read Scripture in this light;
we should consider the word to be as a mirror into which Christ looks down from heaven;
and then we, looking into it, see His face reflected as in a glass—darkly, it is true, but still in such a way as to be a blessed preparation for seeing Him as we shall see Him face to face."
Charles Spurgeon