Friday, September 1, 2017

Mark 16 Commentary Series: Verse 18

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing,
 it shall not hurt them;
 they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark 16:18

Adam Clarke
Charles Spurgeon
Matthew Henry

Take up serpents - Several MSS. add εν ταις χερσιν, in their hands - shall be enabled to give, when such a proof may be serviceable to the cause of truth, this evidence of their being continually under the power and protection of God, and that all nature is subject to him. This also was literally fulfilled in the case of Paul, Acts 28:5.

If they drink any deadly thing - Θανασιμον (φαρμακον ) being understood - if they should through mistake, or accident, drink any poisonous matter, their constant preserver will take care that it shall not injure them. See a similar promise, Isaiah 43:2.
They shall lay hands on the sick - And I will convey a healing power by their hands, so that the sick shall recover, and men shall see that these are sent and acknowledged by the Most High. Several instances of this kind are found in the Acts of the Apostles.
They shall not only be preserved from hurt themselves, but they shall be enabled to do good to others They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover, as multitudes had done by their master's healing touch.