Saturday, September 30, 2017

Islam on Green Religion

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator... Romans 1:25 NIV
 The Green Glue that could help bring the world together spiritually....

Islamic Declaration on Global Climate Change
"Islamic environmentalism is embedded in the matrix of Islamic teachings.
The epoch in which we live has increasingly been described in geological terms as the Anthropocene or “Age of Humans”. Our species, though selected to be a caretaker or steward (khalīfah) on the
earth, has been the cause of such corruption and devastation on it that we are in danger ending life as we know it.....we affirm that our responsibility as Muslims is to act according to the example of the Prophet Muhammad...Declared and ....guided his companions to conserve water even in washing for prayer, forbade the felling of trees in the desert,...
Renewed and recycled his meagre possessions by repairing or giving them away;..."