Sunday, September 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - Waxing Cold

And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12

"A McDonald’s employee tried to flush her newborn baby down the toilet. Thankfully, the infant survived the ordeal.

The Sacramento Bee reports that S.... L...., who is a cashier at McDonald’s, is facing an attempted murder charge for trying to flush her baby down the toilet at the restaurant.
L...... reportedly complained of stomach pain and went to use the restroom while working a shift on September 4. She returned to the restroom multiple times that evening, so her coworkers became concerned. When they went to check on her, they saw blood on the floor of the restroom.
Although L..... reportedly tried to dismiss the blood as a heavy period, her coworkers were not convinced. One coworker reportedly looked into L......’s bathroom stall and “saw a newborn baby face down in the toilet bowl.”

Although L...... pleaded with coworkers not to call police, police were called and arrived to find L..... holding the infant.
Although the baby had no pulse and was not breathing, officers were able to resuscitate the child. It is not known if the baby sustained any lasting injuries or brain damage from the ordeal. L.... has been charged with attempted murder, as well as felony child abuse and inflicting significant bodily injury. L..... claims that she didn’t know she was pregnant." BCN