Thursday, September 14, 2017

IN the NEWS - Warren: Bridge between Catholicism & Protestantism

"Ties between Evangelicals and Catholics in America come in all shapes and sizes, with one of the most striking flowering in Orange County, California, and a friendship and partnership between Bishop Kevin Vann and famed Evangelical pastor Rick Warren. Recently, Pia de Solenni, a lay Catholic theologian and chancellor of the Orange County diocese, spoke to both men about that friendship. The interview appears here with permission of the diocese.

There are all kinds of relationships among Catholics and Evangelicals in America, and one especially striking example is the friendship and partnership in Orange County, California between Bishop Kevin Vann and famed pastor Rick Warren. The two men pray for and with each other and have become partners in ministry.

De Solenni: How did the two of you meet and become such good friends?
Vann: Five years ago, on the day of my installation as Bishop of Orange, I met Pastor Rick when he attended my installation. Previously we had talked on the phone, when Rick called to welcome me to Orange County.
Warren: I was deeply moved by what Bishop Kevin spoke at his installation. I admired his integrity, humility, and generosity that he modeled in his first message, and I loved the fact that he is multi-lingual which is so valuable here in Southern California.
De Solenni: How did your friendship grow?
Vann: In the months and years that followed, I discovered the blessing of sharing the concerns of ministry with Rick, talking about our homilies and what we were both studying, and praying together.
Also, Rick’s staff at Saddleback and our staff at the Diocese began to get to know each other through various meetings and praying together.
Warren: That’s right. First, we committed to pray for each other, then we began to pray with each other. Prayer builds bridges from heart to heart.
De Solenni: What has been the greatest blessing of your friendship and partnership?
Vann:  First, creating the bonds of faith, friendship and ministry between Rick and Kay and myself .....
Then, the fellowship and partnership between the staffs of Saddleback and the Diocese of Orange has reflected the power of cooperation and harmony.
And third, it is a witness to the world.
At the beginning of Holy Week this year, Catholics and Evangelicals in Orange County came together to pray for God’s blessings on all our Holy Week services. So, we who live here together also pray together.
Warren:  Again, I completely agree with my friend. The Bible mentions the same three benefits that Kevin just did: Psalm 133:1 says ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!’
If unbelievers like what they see, they will listen to what we say. Consider this: about 25 percent of Americans are Catholic Christians, and another 25 percent are Evangelical Christians. That’s about half of America! If just these two groups were committed to modeling the love of Christ together, imagine all the good that could happen!" CRUX