Monday, September 25, 2017

IN the NEWS - Green Nazis & Pope Clasping Hands

"In a Washington Times piece, the headline reads “Calls to punish skeptics rise with links to climate change, hurricanes.” The article goes on to state “Calls to punish global warming skepticism as a criminal offense have surged in the aftermath of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma… ‘Climate change denial should be a crime,’ declared the Sept. 1 headline in the Outline. Mark Hertsgaard argued in a Sept. 7 article in the Nation, titled ‘Climate Denialism Is Literally Killing Us,’ that ‘murder is
murder’ and ‘we should punish it as such.’ Brad Johnson, executive director of Climate Hawks Vote, posted last week on Twitter a set of ‘climate disaster response rules,’ the third of which was to ‘put officials who reject science in jail.’
From another source, Inside Science, the question is asked in the headline, “Will Hurricane Harvey launch a new kind of climate lawsuit.”  In the article subheading it reads, “Scientists can now link ‘acts of God’ to climate change. That could give victims the power to hold someone accountable, say lawyers.”  Reading further, it is stated that “climate science” has already been used in the courts and examples of such were cited.
This is not the first time that such proposals were made to deal with climate change deniers.  However, these measures are directed at those who only disbelieve in climate change, which is a flagrant denial of liberty of conscience; but what about those who refuse to accept the solutions and measures put in place to combat climate
change; what will be their fate?
 First of all the primary solution given from the principal champion of climate change, Pope Francis, must be considered. The  Pope has not a few times attributed climate change to human activity, stating that it is a moral issue necessitating “moral solutions,” chief of which is enforced Sunday observance. His plan is laid out in black and white in his environmental encyclical, Laudato Si. Pope Francis could not remain silent after the back-to-back hurricanes in September wrought inestimable destruction, stating that “climate change deniers are ‘stupid;’”  and that  Harvey and Irma are reminders that “‘We will go down’ if measures aren’t taken to address climate change.” Note that it is the weather channel that brought forward this report sending a strong message to its viewers that they should heed the Pope’s message.
Those who therefore deny not only the science (falsely so called) of climate change, but also refuse to accept the solutions to combat it, namely, mandatory Sunday observance, will not only incur the penalties of fines and imprisonment, but even worse, torture and death. “As the movement for Sunday enforcement becomes more bold and decided, the law will be invoked against commandment keepers. They will be threatened with fines and imprisonment, and some will be offered positions of influence, and other rewards and advantages, as inducements to renounce their faith.”  (The Great Controversy p.607 E.G.W.) Thankfully, God will have a people that remain faithful to His Commandments be the consequence what they may and refuse the erroneous commandments of men.  May God help us to be among that number!"
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6