Thursday, September 21, 2017

IN the NEWS - Another Week of Eery Headlines

....and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.... and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
Matthew 24:7/Luke 21:25

From the Orange County Register....End-of-world prediction interrupts TV broadcasts in Orange County 
"Some Orange County residents were stunned Thursday, Sept. 21, when television programming was suddenly interrupted for about a minute with an ominous message predicting the end of the world.

Stacy Laflamme of Lake Forest said she was watching the HGTV channel via Cox Communications about 11:05 a.m. when suddenly an emergency alert flashed across her screen followed by a voice.
Realize this, extremely violent times will come,” a man’s voice boomed, according to a video of the alert. Laflamme said she was alarmed.
In addition to Cox, Spectrum cable customers in Orange County received the alert.
Erin Mireles of Diamond Bar was watching the Bravo channel on Spectrum’s cable system when her show was interrupted by the alert.
I was definitely startled, ’cause the volume increased exponentially,” she said.
The mysterious alert became a hot topic on social media.
The problem occurred because of one or more radio stations conducting an emergency test, Joe Camero, a spokesman for Cox, said Thursday." OCR

From msn....Puerto Rico entirely without power as Hurricane Maria hammers island with force not seen in ‘modern history’
"Abner Gómez, head of the disaster management agency, said none of the customers of Puerto Rico's
Electric Power Authority had any electricity.
The US National Hurricane Center said "catastrophic" flooding was sweeping parts of the island.
"When we are able to go outside, we are going to find our island destroyed," Mr Gómez was quoted as saying by the El Nuevo Dia newspaper.
"It's a system that has destroyed everything in its path." BBC

From Express....Mexico City earthquake: 7.1 magnitude quake hits DAYS after biggest in century
"Some Mexico City residents slept in the street while authorities
and volunteers set up tented collection centers to distribute food and water.
Volunteers, soldiers and firefighters formed human chains and dug with hammers and picks to find dust-covered survivors and dead bodies in the remains of apartment buildings, schools and a factory.
Del Valle, a middle-class neighbourhood in the capital, was among those hit hardest by the quake and all but a few buildings on one street were reduced to rubble.
With power failures still affecting large swathes of the city, much of the rescue efforts were conducted in the dark with only torches and the odd generator providing power." Express

From YT....6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Japan One Day After Mexico City Quake
"Less than 24 hours after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake pummeled Mexico City, another tremor has occurred off the east coast of Japan. The 6.1-magnitude quake struck roughly 175 miles east of the shuttered Fukushima nuclear plant at roughly 2:30 a.m. local time, according to the US Geological Survey. Its hypocenter — the underwater locus of the quake — happened at a depth of about 6 miles." YT

From ST.....Recent quake swarm at Rainier
"More than 20 small quakes have struck under the volcano in the past week, a rate that’s higher than usual....Nearly two dozen small earthquakes have rattled Mount Rainier over the past week,..." ST

From MarketWatch...WHO warns the world is running out of antibiotics
"Concern about growing global antibiotic resistance has come to a head: The World Health Organization is now warning that the world is running out of
There aren’t enough truly new antibiotics being developed, especially for the most concerning antibiotic-resistant infections, according to a WHO report released Tuesday.
The United Nations health agency has aired its concerns about antibiotic resistance, which makes it more difficult to treat infections, for some time." MarketWatch

From ABC....Experts break down the North Korean threat amid heightened tensions
"Steve Ganyard, an ABC News contributor and a former deputy assistant secretary of state, was
quick to note that nobody really knows what motivates Kim but “the consensus in the intelligence community is that he’s trying to use nuclear weapons for regime stability and the ability to make the U.S. think twice about whether they would trade Seoul for Seattle.”
He said that while North Koreans call the country’s nuclear weapons program “the treasured sword,” Kim sees it as “the great equalizer.”  The latest missile was launched on Sept. 14, and Japanese broadcaster NHK reported that the missile flew as much as 478 miles up and about 2,300 miles horizontally.
According to the South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff, if angled correctly, that ICBM could travel as far as Washington, D.C., or New York." ABC
From Guardian...Iran is not meeting 'expectations' of nuclear deal
"US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, emerged from the meeting ...insisted Tehran was not fulfilling the “expectations” of the agreement. He confirmed that Donald Trump had made a decision on whether to continue to stick with the deal or walk away next month." Guardian