Sunday, September 10, 2017

God, satan & the Angels looking upon us

"There are many who possess brilliant talents, who wickedly devote them to the service of Satan. What warning can I give to a people who profess to have come out from the world, and to have left its works of darkness? to a people whom God has made the repositories of his law, but who like the pretentious fig-tree, flaunt their apparently flourishing branches in the very face of the Almighty, yet bear no fruit to the glory of God.

Many of them
*cherish impure thoughts,
*unholy imaginations,
*unsanctified desires,
*and base passions.
God hates the fruit borne on such a tree.

Angels, pure and holy, look upon the course of such with abhorrence, while Satan exults.

Oh, that men and women would consider what is to be gained by transgression of God's law. Under any and every circumstance,
*transgression is a dishonor to God and
*a curse to man."
Gospel Herald 1910 E.G.W.