Monday, September 18, 2017

Death of Moses & Christ

"The last chapter of Deuteronomy records the death of Moses. This man was a prince in Egypt for 40 years, a shepherd in the desert for 40 years, and the leader of Israel for 40 years. Did he make mistakes? Yes, but how faithfully he directed Israel! In his death (except that he was kept from entering the promised land because of his act of disobedience [Deu 32:48-52] ), we see striking similarities to the death and resurrection of our Lord.

    1. Moses went up to die (Deu 34:1). Christ ascended to Calvary [John 19:17,18].
    2. Moses was alone, except for God (34:6). Christ's followers forsook Him [Mat 26:56].
    3. The Lord talked to him (34:4) [Heb 1:8-12].
    4. Moses' faculties were unimpaired (34:7). Christ remained in control until His death [John 10:17,18]
    5. What a funeral! Moses died ''according to the word of the Lord'' (34:5); literally, ''at the mouth of the Lord.'' Christ dismissed His own spirit when the work was completed [Mat 27:50; Joh 19:28-30].
    6. This is not the last we see of Moses. He stood with Christ and Elijah on the mount of transfiguration, 1500 years later [Mat 17:1-3]. Evidently, the devil tried to hold the body of Moses so that he could not appear with the Lord Jesus (Jude 1:9). Death could not hold our Savior [Acts 2:24]." PaulVanGorder