Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Creation Moment 9/6/2017 - New Calvinism wavers on Creation

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:
Exodus 20:11
"There is no name more synonymous with New Calvinism than Tim Keller. Although several definitions of “New Calvinism” have been given in recent years (most famously by Mark Driscoll).

Keller embodies all the qualifications of New Calvinism, and on top of that, embodies the heresy of
Socinianism (a religious philosophy that elevates reason and intelligence above the truths of Scripture) and the worldview of both economic and Cultural Marxism. Not only is Keller an advocate for the theistic evolution of BioLogos, he has used The Social Gospel Coalition as a vehicle to normalize the sub-biblical view.

According to Keller, the “essentials” of understanding creation include (1) a pre-creation God (2) a God who created intentionally (3) a God who created out of a “work of art” and joy. Keller said – quote – “There are four or five or six orthodox Christian views on creation and evolution.

Keller then agreed with Duncan’s assessment that the “intellectual unbeliever” views the [Biblical creation narrative] as an “intellectual liability.” Duncan then verbalized the importance of harmonizing science and the Biblical narrative.

Duncan listed (1) ex nihilo creation (2) the goodness of creation and (3) the special creation of Adam and Eve.

Keller was able to affirm the first two essentials as listed by Duncan, but only went on to reluctantly affirm the third assertion (indeed, it’s difficult for theistic evolutionists to affirm the historicity of Adam and Eve). According to Keller there are “lots of different understandings about” how God created things and the role of evolution. Although Keller agrees that Romans 5 and Paul’s understanding of soteriology would seem to make Adam and Eve necessary historical figures, he fell short of full commitment and acknowledges he “could be wrong.” Pulpit&Pen