Saturday, September 30, 2017

Creation Moment 9/30/2017 - Secular "evolution" beyond humanity

Nothing under the sun is new, neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new; for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us.
Ecclesiastes 1:10

"Is the whole present crisis of the United States due to the fact that many Americans who profess to be followers of Christ fail to walk the path he exampled for us? The Scripture reports that Christ had the power to transform material things, changing water into wine. He had the power to heal physical infirmities – to make the blind see and the lame walk. He could restore life to those who were dead, in every sense the human body could perceive. He could control he weather – calming the storm and transforming troubled waters into a firmament stable enough to stand and walk upon. With a blessing, he could make a few loaves and fishes suffice to feed thousands.

These feats once seemed beyond the reach of ordinary humanity – yet according to the creed most Christians profess, Christ performed them as a human being, albeit one who was nonetheless true, in substance, to the being of Being itself, which God

For decades, the promoters of godless secularism have promoted the idea that human beings are now responsible for the use of powers never before imagined – powers that require the total transformation of human consciousness, powers that imply "evolution" beyond humanity, toward being superhuman. We must, therefore, imagine, impose, and accept new modes and orders, never before imagined – ways entirely incompatible with the ethics, conscience, and sensitivities of the weak, limited, almost contemptible "nature" of human existence, before the prospect of wielding godlike constructive and destructive

power became something more than myth and fantasy.

 The disciples of these new doctrines pretend to offer their innovations under the rubric of "science". According to this doctrine, since the discoveries of empirical science have confronted us with novel prospects of power, theology must approach all questions heretofore constrained by the assumption of God-endowed nature in a new way that takes account of those prospects and of the "evolution" beyond previous imagining they entail.

These purveyors of a purportedly novel doctrine are counting on the fact that the secularist propagandists, by abusing authority supposedly gleaned from the "miracles" of modern science, have cowed many Christians into a way of reading the Scriptures that glosses over passages that recount the miracles of old, or at best seeks to explain them away. Being thus ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they fail to ponder what was, in many respects, the most challenging aspect of his instruction.

Christ clearly foresaw the relationship of Divine and human power these prideful secularists pretend is so novel. Indeed, in his very existence Christ, embodied it. He was the Son of God who repeatedly referred to himself as the Son of Man – thereby affirming the consubstantial unity of his Divine and human nature.

Christ did not see the perfection of God as something simply beyond the reach of the children of Man he was instructing. And when his disciples came to him, embarrassed because they could not imitate his miraculous powers, Christ did not rebuke their presumption. Instead, he again instructed them.

So were the keys to making responsible use of them, to wit: to love God with the totality of our being and, therefore, obey his commands; and to love others as we love the Son of God, the Redeemer who came to save us and all God-ordered existence.
Our science has made progress in understanding the rules that impel, order, and arrange the cosmos. But can it fathom the Ruler's love, which gives the cosmos meaning?" Alan Keyes