Friday, September 22, 2017

Creation Moment 9/23/2017 - ArdiFacts Missing

"The belief taught in most of our textbooks is that our four-legged ancestors were forced out of the forests into desert conditions due to a drastic climate change, then evolved to walk on two legs. This is called the savannah hypothesis. But then, a skeleton first discovered in 1994, dubbed Ardipithecus ramidus (“Ardi” for short), claimed to be 4.4 million years old, challenged that view. (The claim that with Ardi paleontologists had finally found the ‘missing link’ is a tacit admission that they hadn’t
found it before, in spite of numerous claims otherwise.) Actually, the new debate is more often a question of trying to settle internal conflicts within the community of evolutionary paleoanthropologists.  The “true believers” in ape to human evolution keep changing their views with each discovery of new bones.

When examined, less than half of the Ardi skull fragments were found, leaving much room for speculation and interpreter bias. Its brain volume was estimated to be even smaller than that of a chimp. Nonetheless, paleontologists have tried to deduce much from the skeletal fragments found. Although often described as relatively complete, the fragments are probably close to 20 percent complete when measured by weight. The hand and foot bones were found, which allowed some scientist to conclude that Ardi didn’t swing below branches or knuckle-walk. This suggested to them that the ape which gave rise to chimps and humans may not have been very chimp-like. Thus, the idea—now more than a century old—that chimps are humans’ closest ancestors, is wrong. Evolutionists actually have no idea what the putative ape-human common ancestor looked like. Paleoanthropologists are not even sure if Ardi was a male or female." CEH
That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:5