Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Creation Moment 9/21/2017 - AAAS meltdown

"The biggest bombshell of the century in paleontology threatens evolutionary time. It’s not surprising that the AAAS would want to put out the fire.

Dinosaur soft tissue pulls the rug out from millions of years. Most people get that. Tell them that blood vessels, blood cells and
original proteins have been found in dinosaur fossils, and a light bulb will go off in their heads: ‘then they can’t be that old’ is the logical conclusion.

But when Mary Schweitzer went on 60 Minutes in 2010 showing stretchy material she found inside a T. rex bone, it elicited gasps from host Lesley Stahl. Nobody on that show could believe it. And her mentor, dinosaurologist Jack Horner, had no explanation. Schweitzer’s “unorthodox approach”, the narrator stated, “may be changing the whole dino ball game”.

In Science Magazine, Robert F. Service illustrated the AAAS tactical plan to defuse the findings:
(a) Attribute it to Schweitzer’s religious faith;
(b) Portray the findings as controversial and incapable of replication,
(c) Suggest that there are other explanations than original soft tissue, and
(d) Picture Schweitzer as an advocate on a personal quest with dubious motivations.
Even the title of his article, “Keeping the Faith”, starts the discussion going on a religious meme. Service makes a big deal of the fact that Schweitzer was once a young-earth Biblical creationist. Maybe, his writing suggests, she never really got rid of her inner desire to prove evolution wrong, despite her claims otherwise.

But Mary Schweitzer is not the only one finding soft tissue. Mark Armitage, a microscopist, found osteocytes, complete with delicate hairlike filipodia, in a Triceratops horn from the same Hell Creek formation where Schweitzer has worked. There are the seven museum specimens with “fibers and cellular structures” reported here at CEH on June 9, 2015 that were found by scientists from Imperial College London. They published their findings in Nature Communications. Bob Enyart has a long list of soft tissue scientific papers, as well as the conversation about the grant offer to Jack Horner. We have reported numerous cases of soft tissue in fossils, even from Cambrian arthropods over 500 million Darwin Years old. And creation researchers sent dinosaur bones to radiocarbon labs for testing, and detected measurable carbon-14 in numerous samples. Since all carbon-14 should disappear in 100,000 years, this one finding rules out millions of years."
For this they willingly are ignorant of, ...
2 Peter 3:5