Monday, September 18, 2017

Creation Moment 9/19/2017 - Consternation due to Fossil Record

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
1 Corinthians 3:19

"We are commonly challenged to explain the fossil order worked out by evolutionary scientists. Fossils are, of course, crucial to the evolutionary story; their sequences and placement in the
evolutionary time scale are fundamental to the evolutionists’ grand scheme. However, outcrops with fossils are usually widely scattered and further fossil collecting commonly brings surprises, such as the expansion of the ranges of fossils either up or down within the geological column.

One of the most sensational expansions is that of the supposed origin of tetrapods from fish by about 18 Ma earlier in the evolutionary timescale. This change is even more damaging to evolutionists since a few years before this research was published there was a big splash about a new missing link between fish and amphibians. This supposed transition occurred after the new biozone base derived from the unique fossil Tiktaalik found in northeast Canada. But the new discovery of tetrapod tracks, which should push the supposed origin of tetrapods even further back than 18 Ma, has caused consternation over the range changes." CMI