Saturday, September 16, 2017

Creation Moment 9/17/2017 - Marx & Hitler on Evolution

"From the theory that mankind is constantly evolving upward toward a higher degree of perfection has developed the premise that "history is a continuous progressive unity and that individuals,
races, and nations are gradually groping toward a universal harmony."
What a preposterous presupposition in the face of two major world conflicts and an ever-increasing rate in the rumors and threatenings of war.
The Darwinian doctrine that only the fit survive has become the mainstay of those advocating nationalism, imperialism, militarism, racism, and communism.
Karl Marx (1818-1883) clearly attributed a main philosophy of his communism to Darwin when he wrote: "Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural science for the struggle in history."
According to Marxist philosophy, "the progress of the human race is marked by a gradual process of evolution and punctuated now and then by the quickening pulse of revolution."
In Mein Kampf,
Hitler asserted that men rose from animals by fighting and that this struggle wherein the stronger feeds on the blood of the weaker has continued from time immemorial and must continue until the most advanced branch of humanity dominates the earth."
C. W. Spaude
For there is no faithfulness in their mouth;
their inward part is very wickedness;
Psalm 5:9