Saturday, September 30, 2017

Buddhist on Green Religion

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator... Romans 1:25 NIV
 The Green Glue that could help bring the world together spiritually....

A Buddhist Declaration on Climate Change
"Our ecological emergency is a larger version of the perennial human predicament. Both as individuals and as a species, we suffer from a sense of self that feels disconnected not only from other people but from the Earth itself. As Thich Nhat Hanh has said, "We are here to awaken from the
illusion of our separateness." We need to wake up and realize that the Earth is our mother as well as our home—and in this case the umbilical cord binding us to her cannot be severed. When the Earth becomes sick, we become sick, because we are part of her.
The Buddhist teaching that the overall health of the individual and society depends upon inner well-being, and not merely upon economic indicators, helps us determine the personal and social changes we must make.
Individually, we must adopt behaviors that increase everyday ecological awareness and reduce our "carbon footprint".
We must "de-carbonize" our energy systems as quickly as feasible by replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy sources that are limitless, benign and harmonious with nature.
The compulsion to consume more and more is an expression of craving, the very thing the Buddha pinpointed as the root cause of suffering.
We have a brief window of opportunity to take action, to preserve humanity from imminent disaster and to assist the survival of the many diverse and beautiful forms of life on Earth."