Saturday, September 23, 2017

73rd Psalm Breakdown Series: 7

Their eyes stand out with fatness: they have more than heart could wish.
Psalm 73:7

"Verse 7. Their eyes stand out with fatness. The face is here the index of the man: the man has more than suffices him; he is glutted and surfeited with wealth, and yet is one of the wicked whom
God abhorreth.

They have more than heart could wish. Their wishes are gratified, and more; their very greediness is exceeded; they call for water, and the world gives them milk; they ask for hundreds, and thousands are lavished at their feet.
The heart is beyond measure gluttonous, and yet in the case of certain ungodly millionaires, who have rivalled Sardanapalus both in lust and luxury, it has seemed as if their wishes were exceeded, and their meat surpassed their appetite."
Charles Spurgeon