Saturday, August 12, 2017

Those 7's of it all

And it came to pass after seven days,
that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10
HE is your CREATOR as seen in the 7 Days of Creation
HE is your REDEEMER as seen in the 7 articles of Furniture in the Sanctuary
When HIS 7 Last Plagues fall ALL living humans will be divided into one camp or the other permanently

The #7 made up of this GREAT CONTROVERSY -
*2 groups of the loyal (loyal angelic host and the saints of earth)

*the Triune Godhead (Father, Son-in the center of "7" that this all rotates around, and the Holy Spirit)

*the 2 groups of the rebels (the fallen of the angelic host and the wicked on earth)
the seventh day
is the Sabbath
of the LORD thy God:
Exodus 20:10