Monday, August 14, 2017

Spurgeon on "Progressive" Christianity

"The idea of a progressive gospel seems to have fascinated many.

To us that notion is a sort of cross-breed between nonsense and blasphemy.

After the gospel has been found effectual in the eternal salvation of untold multitudes, it seems rather late in the day to alter it; and, since it is the revelation of the all-wise and unchanging God, it appears somewhat audacious to attempt its improvement.

Hitherto they have not hatched out much worth rearing.
Their chickens are so much of the Roman breed, that we sometimes seriously suspect that, after all, Jesuitical craft may be at the bottom of this "modern thought."

No longer is the call, "Today, if ye will hear his voice";

*Do men really believe that there is a gospel for each century? Or a religion for each fifty years?
*Will there be in heaven saints saved according to a score sorts of gospel?
*Will these agree together to sing the same song?
*And what will the song be?
*Saved on different footings, and believing different doctrines, will they enjoy eternal concord, or will heaven itself be only a new arena for disputation between varieties of faiths?"
Charles Spurgeon
And all the assembly said, Amen!
Nehemiah 5:13