Tuesday, August 22, 2017

SDA Issues- Blackout?

SDA Pastors are leading out in a so-called Blackout of the NFL. This includes Carlton Byrd of Breath of Life (goggle it).....these men who claim to be pastors of the Church are putting the social gospel ahead of the Biblical Gospel. Also, they are playing into fanning the flames of racial division by following the false narratives of groups like BLM, based on hate and politics......This is actually disgusting what they are doing....Shouldn't SDA pastors be known for the Everlasting Gospel rather than divisive politics backed by puppet groups for Soros like BLM? And what are pastors doing in our Church doing with the NFL anyway?---The Social Gospel, Green Gospel & Prosperity Gospel should have NO place in our Church...only the BIBLICAL GOSPEL...

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
....lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;2 Timothy 3:1,5
"When teachers or professors shall sacrifice religious principle to please a worldly,
 amusement loving class, they should be considered
unfaithful to their trust and should be discharged."
Testimonies for the Church vol.5,p.14 E.G.W.
"A group of Alabama pastors has launched "NFL Blackout," a campaign with the goal of boycotting the NFL in support of Colin Kaepernick.

The pastors posted a video Thursday announcing their intentions to boycott NFL games,
merchandise, and fantasy football as long as Kaepernick is without a team and to spend time with community work and prayer rather than the NFL on Sundays, whether or not Kaepernick finds a new team this season.

"My belief is simply this -- if Colin Kaepernick was willing to take a stand for those of us who are non-celebrities that would have to interact with law enforcement on a day-to-day basis, if he's willing to take a knee for us, certainly we ought to take a stand with him," Pastor Debleaire Snell of the Senior Pastor First SDA Church in Huntsville explained.

Dr. Leslie Pollard, president of Oakwood University in Huntsville, emphasized that the boycott is not one against the United States or the American flag.
"Now we want you to know this protest is not anti-flag because people of color love the stars and stripes," Pollard said. "It is not anti-American because of people of color have loved this country even when this country has not loved us back. And this country is not anti-veteran because we support those who have made sacrifices so that our liberties have been secured. This protest is to ensure the rights of all Americans regardless of color or creed to be heard."

Kaepernick has been without an NFL team since opting out of his contract with the 49ers in March. The Seahawks and Ravens showed interest in Kaepernick but declined to sign him, while there are those who would like to see the Jaguars bring in Kaepernick due to the struggles they've been having at the quarterback position. 

The pastors join a growing list of people who say they're boycotting the NFL over Kaepernick -- both his supporters and detractors. A petition calling for a boycott earlier this month surpassed 100,000 supporters." ABCsports