Monday, August 28, 2017

Romanism & Modernism vs. Everlasting Gospel

"Those phases of " the everlasting gospel " which demand special emphasis at this time are the closing feature of
*the mediatorial work of Christ in the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary ("the hour of His judgment is come," Rev. 1 4 :7),
*the Sabbath ("worship Him that made," verse 7),
*and the second advent (verses 14-16).

In connection with these positive truths the fall of Babylon will be announced and the warning against the worship of the beast and his image will be given.

Note.-- The great need of such a message is clearly evident now
*when a false mediator system has taken the place of the true; *when a false interpretation of science has set aside a personal Creator and substituted evolution for the grace of God ;
*and then a social gospel whose purpose it is to wake this world a good place to live in, is being substituted for the message of preparation for the coming of the Lord.

Romanism and Modernism are joining hands in making void the the gospel and presenting in its place the teachings of apostasy."