Friday, August 11, 2017

POLL - Polygamy growing in acceptance

1- Only a matter of time before "Christians" become accepting....since most now support gay marriage. Why would you oppose polygamy? IF you're a "Christian" who no longer thinks homosexuality is an abomination-what is your moral ground for opposing polygamy.
2- Notice in the story below--it has grown in acceptance correlating with a TV show--- so it's true-BY BEHOLDING YOU BECOME CHANGED 

"A new poll shows that seventeen percent of people in the U.S. now find polygamy to be morally permissible, citing an increase of acceptance among non-religious people as a major factor.

Though polygamous societies often justify their lifestyle on religious grounds, it is Americans who do not identify with any religion who are most accepting of the practice,” said Andrew Dugan, an analyst for Gallup.

He pointed that the approval rating really only increased after a polygamy reality show started to air in 2010. Now in the middle of its seventh season, Dugan said the show “Sister Wives” has drawn sympathy from the public by humanizing a polygamist family.

Additionally, Dugan said the increase after 2010 followed a change in the meaning of the word, switching from patriarchal and masculine centered idea to a gender neutral definition – a married individual has more than one spouse.

He doubts the practice of polygamy has increased much, but expressed it is the results of “the general tendency for those who are less religious to be more liberal on social issues.”

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Genesis 6:5