Monday, August 28, 2017

Papal Notes - Francis is letting who speak?

Look who Francis is going to bring into the Vatican to speak, while he gives lip service against abortion & gay marriage.....

"Chile's socialist president who just helped legalize abortion and is now pushing for same-sex marriage will speak at a Vatican conference on climate change and population control in November.
President Michelle Bachelet, who originally introduced the pro-abortion law that the country's high
court just ruled is constitutional, will speak at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences' "Health of People, Health of Planet and Our Responsibility: Climate Change, Air Pollution and Health" conference on November 2.
The same day Chile's high court ruled in favor of the abortion law, Bachelet promised to formally introduce legislation to make marriage an institution between any "two people, of the same or different sex." 
Bachelet's talk is called "Global Leadership Session I: Call to Action."
Speaking alongside Bachelet at the conference are one-world government-supporting climate activist John Schellnhuber, population control supporters Sir Partha Dasgupta and Peter Raven, pro-abortion activist Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University, and three pro-abortion American politicians.
The American politicians are Rep. Scott Peters, D-California; state Sen. Kevin de León, president pro Tempore of the California State Senate; and California Gov. Jerry Brown. All three vocally support Planned Parenthood, America's largest abortion business. 

The state of California is currently attempting to prosecute and censor David Daleiden, the pro-life activist who uncovered Planned Parenthood's baby body parts trafficking.
Brown, a former Jesuit seminarian, signed California's assisted suicide law in 2015.
Pro-abortion activists have said they hope Chile's legalization of abortion will create a "domino effect" in the six Latin American and Caribbean countries that still outlaw it.
According to Bachelet, same-sex marriage is "not only a demand of the international justice system but a legitimate demand of Chilean society."
Claire Chretien
As saith the proverb of the ancients, Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:
1 Samuel 24:13