Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Papal Notes - Bending that Knee

"Leaders of the World Council of Churches have expressed gratitude for a “very constructive and fruitful meeting with Pope Francis” in the Vatican.

The two WCC leaders met privately with the pope and the head of the Pontifical Council for
Christian Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, focusing on how to deepen relations within the ecumenical movement. They also discussed the challenges of climate change and economic justice, as well as the important role of faith leaders in seeking solutions to conflicts in different parts of the world.

Speaking after the encounter, Rev. Tveit said, We are living in a time when the purpose and the objectives of the ecumenical movement are highly relevant." He said: There is a willingness in the WCC
constituencies and beyond, in the Roman Catholic Church, to seek a united witness and a common service in order to  be a more effective voice in our “divided and fragile world.”
.....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3

1- Politics: so-called Climate Change
2- Politics: so-called Economic Justice (they mean Socialism)
3- Politics: Global Conflicts
Q: Where's the GOSPEL in all this being discussed? Sounds like just POLITICS.