Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Mark 16 Commentary Series: Verse 10

And she went and told them that had been with him,
as they mourned and wept.
Mark 16:10

Adam Clarke
Charles Spurgeon
Matthew Henry
Them that had been with him - Not only the eleven disciples, but several others who had been the occasional companions of Christ and the apostles.

Mourned and wept - Because they had lost their Lord and Master, and had basely abandoned him in his extremity.
The story of our Lord’s appearance to the disciples is more fully told by Luke in the twenty-fourth chapter of his Gospel.
Now was the time of which Christ had told them, that they should mourn and lament, John 16:20. And it was an evidence of their great love to Christ, and the deep sense they had of their loss of him. But when their weeping had endured a night or two, comfort returned, as Christ has promised.