Monday, August 14, 2017

Mark 16 Commentary Series: Verse 1

And when the sabbath was past,
Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome,
had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.
Mark 16:1
Adam Clarke
Charles Spurgeon
Matthew Henry
And anoint him - Rather, to embalm him. This is a proof that they had not properly understood what Christ had so frequently spoken, viz. that he would rise again the third day. And this inattention or
unbelief of theirs is a proof of the truth of the resurrection.
Their love made them prompt. Their affection was about to attempt a needless, and, indeed, impossible thing; yet I do not doubt that it was acceptable before God. Oh, that we had such hove that even the dead body of the Christ should be so dear to us that we should be ready at great expense to anoint it!
Never was there such a sabbath since the sabbath was first instituted as this was, which the first words of this chapter tell us was now past during all this sabbath our Lord Jesus lay in the grave.
*It was to him a sabbath of rest, but a silent sabbath,
*it was to his disciples a melancholy sabbath, spent in tears and fears.
*Never were the sabbath services in the temple such an abomination to God, though they had been often so, as they were now, when the chief priests, who presided in them, had their hands full of blood, the blood of Christ.