Wednesday, August 30, 2017

IN the NEWS - Jesuits Down Under (toss out God's Word)

Below we see those in Christian leadership caving on LGBT issues: Two things always seem to accompany these moves---1) Older "leaders" hide behind the "youth" as an excuse for turning on Scripture & 2) a desire to be popular with the world as in the below story where this tossing out of God's Word by Jesuits down under just happens to coincide with an upcoming referendum on gay marriage there.
Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot;...Luke 17:28

"Two elite private Jesuit schools in Australia have cautiously endorsed gay marriage, citing the teaching of Pope Francis.

In a message to parents, staff and students, St Ignatius’s College in Sydney and Xavier College in Melbourne, while not explicitly endorsing a “yes” vote, urged parents to reflect on Pope Francis’s teaching on love, mercy and non-judgmentalism.
As Australia prepares for a referendum on the issue, the Sydney Morning Herald reports Fr. Chris Middleton, rector of Xavier College, said young people overwhelmingly backed gay marriage.
In my experience, there is almost total unanimity amongst the young in favor of gay  marriage, and arguments against it have almost no impact on them,” Fr. Middleton wrote."