Thursday, August 17, 2017

IN the NEWS - Cashiers &?

ONE idea of how the Mark of the Beast era could involve not being able to buy & sell MIGHT be the Universal Basic Income where people get money from the government for job displacement. (That would mean the government could also cut off your funds since it would likely be like an EBT card).
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark,
or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:17
"If you work as a retail cashier, now is the time to get into school or to consider a new career. Robots are being deployed in several stores across the nation as tech firms go into high gear to cash in on the latest trend in retail.

Self-checkouts have already appeared at virtually all major chains and outlets. Even these terminals may not have long to be, since firms like Amazon are working to perfect a system whereby customers can simply walk out of the store with their goods in hand, and their account automatically debited.

Meanwhile, robots that help stock shelves have already been perfected. The first robots to assist in stores have already been rolled out. More will be coming in 2018 with a steady flood of the devices coming on market after that.

An analysis by Cornerstone Capital Group says that 7.5 million retail jobs are in danger of being phased out, and 3.5 million cashier jobs will be among the first to go. Cashiers are considered the most automatable jobs in the market.

A universal basic income could be a pleasant solution. While the income will not be enough to provide people with a comfortable life, it will free them from worry about the basic necessities."