Tuesday, August 8, 2017

IN the NEWS - Babylon is truly FALLEN...

When "ministers" WASTE their time criss-crossing a state to promote men being able to utilize the women's restroom, rather than the Gospel, we have reached a new low in Christendom.
When supposed "men of God" deem it "discrimination" to require the male gender to use the male genders bathroom, it becomes evident that the crust on the hearts of these "men of God" is from a heart that is still in the world--a world that is at enmity with God.
Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
"United Methodists headed to Austin, Texas, on Aug. 1 to send a message to Texas legislators: “Y’all Means All.”  

They were part of an interfaith advocacy event encouraging lawmakers to vote against a North Carolina-style “bathroom bill.” About 200 United Methodists were among the 500 people attending the event hosted by Texas Impact, a religious grassroots network that brings together Christians, Jews and Muslims from around the state. 
We want to lift the voices of people of the Abrahamic tradition to say, ‘We are all opposed to discrimination,’” said Bee Moorehead, Texas Impact’s executive director.   “Y’all means all.” 
The Rev. Diane McGehee, pastor of Bering Memorial United Methodist Church in Houston, speaks during an interfaith rally in Austin, sponsored by Texas Impact, that opposes a “bathroom bill” being considered by the Texas state legislature.
Senate Bill 3, which was approved last week and is now headed to the House, would require Texas public school students to use restrooms that match the sex on their birth certificates or state-issued identification cards." Insight