Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Creation Moment 8/3/2017 - Wow!!!

NEXT TIME someone tries to convince you that you're the product of Time + Chance---show them this picture of the most recent mapping out of Proteome Architecture within the cell!!!.... IF this isn't DESIGN-I don't know what is....If you saw this structure as a literal building-NO WAY would  you deny a DESIGNER.....AMAZING...
For by him were all things created,
that are in heaven,
and that are in earth,
visible and invisible,
Colossians 1:16
"New research is using antibodies to map out the spatio-temporal locations of 12,003 different proteins in human cells.
The new research reveals the “the highly complex architecture of the human cell” and adds more detail to the fact that the workings of the cell are far from random:
A total of 12,003 proteins targeted by 13,993 antibodies were classified into one or several of 30 cellular compartments and substructures, altogether defining the proteomes of 13 major organelles.
Although evolutionists “thought the cell was so simple,” this research is showing that the “cellular proteome is compartmentalized and spatiotemporally regulated to a high degree.” In fact “[m]ore than half of these 12,003 proteins localize in more than one compartment at the same time.” This is consistent with the fact that most proteins are capable of performing multiple functions, and is another indicator of high complexity:
Moreover, proteins that localize to more than one compartment may have context-specific functions, increasing the functionality of the proteome. The fact that proteins “moonlight” in different parts of the cell is now well accepted. … The more complex a system is, the greater the number of parts that must be sustained in their proper place, and the lesser the tolerance for errors; therefore, a high degree of regulation and control is required.
Indeed, the degree of regulation and control required for this system is not only enormous, but contrary to evolutionary expectations." EN&V