Saturday, August 26, 2017

Creation Moment 8/27/2017 - Changing Evolutionary Position?

LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor), Collective State or Creation?

"Astrobiology magazine indicates the evolutionists’ position might be changing. It asked the ‘main question’ of whether commonly-held genes are similar enough to
point to a common origin, then explained:
The answer has always been yes. The implication is that we all belong to some universal tree of life. And at the base of this tree—some have imagined—there sits a mild-mannered microbe that lived over 3 billion years ago … . However, this organism, the so-called last universal common ancestor (or LUCA), may be just a fantasy.”

Instead, evolutionist Nigel Goldenfeld from the University of Illinois is exploring the possibility that life might have emerged “from a collective state”, where organisms “shared genetic information from neighbor to neighbor, rather than solely from parent to off spring”.

Notwithstanding the lack of evidence for life’s diversity having arisen from either ‘LUCA’ or this newly-mooted ‘collective state community of pond scum, Goldenfeld is apparently in no hurry to acknowledge that the reason life exists is because it was created (i.e. didn’t just ‘happen’)."
....So God created man... Genesis 1:27