Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Creation Moment 8/24/2017 - Darwin's Wicked Idea

...Wickedness proceedeth from the wicked:
1 Samuel 24:13
"Darwin’s idea was that Nature is always ruthless: that the strong push out the weak, that compassion and compromise are for cissies whom Nature throws to the wall. Darwin borrowed the phrase
survival of the fittest” from the now forgotten and much discredited philosopher Herbert Spencer.
 He invented a consolation myth for the selfish class to which he belonged, to persuade them that their neglect of the poor, and the colossal gulf between them and the poor, was the way Nature intended things.
He thought his class would outbreed the “savages” (ie the brown peoples of the globe) and the feckless, drunken Irish. Stubbornly, the unfittest survived. Brown, Jewish and Irish people had more babies than the Darwin class.
 The Darwinians then had to devise the hateful pseudo-science of eugenics, which was a scheme to prevent the poor from breeding.
We all know where that led, and the uses to which the National Socialists put Darwin’s dangerous ideas." A.N. Wilson