Tuesday, July 25, 2017

UNFOLDING: The Woman, Seed & Remnant

God's people, symbolized by the 12 stars (12 tribes of Israel) clothed in His robe of righteousness, shining out to the world like the moon reflects the sunlight to the earth
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven;
a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
Revelation 12:1
The seed of the woman, God's people down through history, martyred for the faith. Notice these weren't mentioned as "commandment keepers", for they were partial commandment keepers, held accountable for the light they knew at the time
And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
Revelation 12:17
The remnant at the end are identified as keeping His "commandments", not some of them
And the dragon was wroth with the woman,
and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,
which keep the commandments of God,
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Revelation 12:17