Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Sound "Mind"

"Many are not doing the greatest amount of good because they
exercise the intellect in one direction and neglect to give careful attention to those things for which they think they are not adapted.

Some faculties that are weak are thus allowed to lie dormant because the work that should call them into exercise, and consequently give them strength, is not pleasant.

All the powers of the mind should be exercised,
all the faculties cultivated.
*and all the reasoning powers
should have equal strength in order that minds may be well balanced.  

If certain faculties are used to the neglect of others, the design of God is not fully carried out in us; for all the faculties have a bearing and are dependent, in a great measure, upon one another."
Testimonies For the Church vol.3,p.33 E.G.W.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of
*and of love,
*and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7