Thursday, July 13, 2017

SDA Issues- What's in Sweden's Water?

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft,
and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.
1 Samuel 15:23

"Pastor Robert “Bobby” Sjölander is to lead the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Sweden for the next four years, replacing former President, Göran Hansen,
In response to the General Conference’s vote in San Antonio 2015, the Union’s Executive Committee decided in March 2016 to cease its demand for ordination of women. At the same time, they chose to cease the ordination of men until the General Conference finds a way to grant all pastors the same
credentials regardless of gender." CCV

"Sweden’s Prime Minister is moving to amend the country’s homosexual “marriage laws, forcing priests to consecrate such unions. The kicker? These are Church of Sweden priests. The state Lutheran church officially recognizes homosexual “marriage”, but allows individual clergymen to abstain from performing them. Now, they may have no choice.As the PM said in a statement:
We Social Democrats are working to ensure all priests will consecrate everyone, including same-sex couples. I see parallels to the midwife who refuses to perform abortions. If you work as a midwife you must be able to perform abortions, otherwise you have to do something else… It is the same for priests." RT