Wednesday, July 19, 2017

SDA Issues - October 2017

....where is the flock that was given thee,
thy beautiful flock?
Jeremiah 13:20

"The women's ordination debate has managed to completely fracture the SDA Church within 10 years’ time - we have been warned in advance.  In October 2011, a time bomb was laid under the foundations of our church and now, going into the Annual Council in October 2017, that thing is about to go off.

The unity is now openly being threatened by statements made by often retired, former church leaders who unite in lobbying bulwarks of influence.

This discussion is none other than a power clash at the top levels of the Church – and with this I specifically mean the conference and union presidents's level – not the people at the headquarters in Silver Spring.

If we should come to the conclusion now, that all is said that could be said, (between 1973 and 2016 there were twenty official decisions on this issue, and not counting Division resolutions); if we should conclude that all studies are done that could be done, If we decide that we don't want to be another Church, don't want to be governed by the inclinations of a few,

Lets get it over with

Let's be brave and vote on removing from position and disfellowshipping those who damage the Church as we did with Desmond Ford." Fulcrum7