Friday, July 21, 2017

Papal Notes - Santa Claus, Putin & Francis

"The pope has openly courted Russia and its vast number of Orthodox Christians, often incurring the criticism and disappointment of those who hoped to hear a stronger opposition from the Vatican towards Vladimir Putin’s authoritative, if not downright aggressive, internal and foreign policy.

The Holy See’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, is readying for an August trip to Moscow, which will be an important step in furthering Vatican-Russian relations. Meanwhile, the Vatican’s number two will likely find a willing listener in Putin, who longs to establish himself as the new upholder of morality and defender of persecuted Orthodox Christians in many areas of the Middle East.
Parolin describes his hopes for the historic trip to the Motherland.
I go to Russia as a collaborator to the Pope. As a collaborator of the one who wishes to build bridges in order to increase the ability to comprehend each other, understand each other and dialogue in the world,” Parolin said.
In order to build a climate and an environment of justice and peace,” he added.
Any good flirtation must also offer a gift, something that the Vatican did not forget. The relics of St. Nicolas (aka Santa Claus), a saint profoundly loved and venerated by Orthodox Christians in Russia, were sent from the Italian town of Bari to Moscow in May.
According to the Orthodox Church, more than one million people visited the relics, including Putin himself. Not a bad way to inaugurate Parolin’s visit by any standard.
If the trip proves to be a success, the possibility that Francis may visit Moscow himself may come closer to becoming a reality.
One cannot help but think of the second ‘secret’ of Fatima, when Mary asked “for the Consecration

of Russia to my Immaculate Heart,” a devotion to which Francis is strongly attached."CRUX
Flee out of the midst of Babylon,
and deliver every man his soul:
Jeremiah 51:6