Saturday, July 29, 2017

On the Streets of Babylon: Take Shelter!

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some bracing for "falling gold pens" on the Streets of Babylon...take shelter

"In the Spirit, I saw huge warehouses in heaven that appeared to be full of books, songs and poetry. I noticed these books had no titles on their covers or any words written on their pages. These were wordless books, blank bundles of sheet music and empty pages of poetry stacked high to the ceiling. A sign was over the huge door that read, "Stationery to Be Released and Published in the Final Hour
Upon the Earth."
I heard the Father give a command to the angels: "Empty those warehouses and deliver to the earth! There are books yet to be written, new songs yet to be sung, poetry yet to be recited that will woo hearts back to Me. Drop the pens down first and empty those warehouses!"